
good swell at home last week end.

I love to be at home!!!
It's so good because is summer time it's like more than 30 degrees everyday,just surfing and little bit party with my friends...
The waves been small since i get here but last week end was really good,i surf st leu super fun and saturday we surf with the jet ski at "Etang sale",really nice left...The swell was little bite to big every where so we decided with David and Fredo to take the jet ski and try to surf this left and finally that was really nice (3m on the big set)..It was good to surf with the jet ski because the wave is really long so don't need to paddle....
chek this link;http://www.surfsession.com/2010/12/20/reunion-session-tow-a-letang-sale/
the swell going down for all the week i think but maybe a little push for christmas :-)



im arrived in reunion island since 1 week,fell really good to be here,just enjoy the holiday at home with my friends,surf,party,spent time with my friends...

Yesterday,we did a surf contest with my surf club with all the kids at ROCHES NOIRES,that was so fun,really small waves that why Ugo won the contest.aahha
The waves been small since i arrived here but looks like a goos swell is coming for this week..
talk soon