I'm on my way back from New zealand!I spent a week there for the WQS 6 star Gold Series Water ...
I lost at the 2nd round of the competition, I failed to find the good waves..
The place was really nice, a mix between the sea and mountains!!!
we landed in Auckland so we drive 6hours drive to Gisborne (contest beach),beautiful roadall the way down,and some nice surf as well..so good we were driving and when we saw some good waves on the road ,we went for a surf!!!
All the OAKLEY TEAM was staying together in a house by the sea, with jacuzzi and sauna, it was really good to come out from the surf and jump directly into the jacuzzi!!
The atmosphere was really great between the boys, Tom Whitaker was there to coach us and Beau Emerton (Oakley team manager oz) so it was really nice to enjoy the experience from this guys!
The waves were not great during the whole contest, lots of wind and it was weird because the water was slippery because of the rivers wich flung into the ocean
I spent a very good week in New Zealand with the boys ...
A big thank you to BEAU and TOMMY to driving us during this week!!!
The video of the trip will soon,but for the moment go my facebook page to chek the photos:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Romain-Cloître/248124069010
Scotland's next contest 13Avril!!
J'ai passé une semaine en Nouvelle-Zelande pour le WQS 6 star gold water series...
J'ai perdu au 2eme tour de la compete,j'ai pas reussi a trouver les bonnes vagues.
L'endroit etait vraiment joli,un mix entre la mer et la montagne..
On a "visiter"un peu car entre l'aeroport de Auckland et Gisborne (le spot de la compete)il y avait 7hours de route!
On etait tout le Team OAKLEY ensemble dans une maison devant la mer,avec jaccuzzi et sauna,c'etait vraiment pas mal de sortir de l'eau et de se jetter direct dans le jaccuzzi brulant!!!
L'ambiance etait vraiment top entre les boys,Tom withaker etait la pour nous coacher peant la compete ainsi que Beau Emerton (oakley team manager oz) donc c'etait vraiment bien de profiter de l'experience des "vieux"!
Les vagues etaient pas super durant tout le contest,beaucoup de vent et c'etait bizzare mais l'eau glissait beaucoup a cause des riviere qui se jette partout le long des plages...
J'ai passer une tres bonne semaine en Nouvelle-Zelande avec les boys...
La video du trip sera bientot en ligne en attendant aller voir sur mon facebook ls photos du trip;http://www.facebook.com/pages/Romain-Cloître/248124069010
Prochain contest l'Ecosse le 13Avril!!!!